United Way

Giving $1.51 Million in 2023
In 2023, PREMIER and its employees gave nearly $1.51 million to United Way organizations in Sioux Falls, Watertown, Madison, Dakota Dunes and Huron. These gifts reflect how we are living the principles of The PREMIER Way – make a positive difference in the lives of those inside and outside of our company.
United Way partner agencies will use the funds to fulfill their missions of helping children and youth achieve their potential, promoting financial stability and independence, and improving the health and well-being of individuals and families. Here is a look at the impact PREMIER employees made within each market community:
Sioux Falls
• 94% of Sioux Falls PREMIER employees gave to the 2023 Sioux Empire United Way Campaign.
• 885 are Heart Club or Rising Heart givers.
• First PREMIER Bank and PREMIER Bankcard once again ranked #1 for Heart Club and Rising Heart giving in the Sioux Empire (11th consecutive year).
• 91% of PREMIER employees in Watertown gave to the 2023 Watertown Area United Way Campaign.
• 171 are Heart Club or Rising Heart givers.
• In 2023, PREMIER had the highest number of Heart Club members and contributed nearly 22% of the total dollars raised by the Watertown Area United Way.
Dakota Dunes
• 94% of PREMIER employees in Dakota Dunes gave to the Siouxland United Way 2023 Campaign.
• 179 are Heart Club or Rising Heart givers.
• PREMIER was a top-five business supporter and contributed nearly 5% of the total dollars raised by the United Way of Siouxland in 2023.
• 92% of PREMIER employees in Huron gave to the Huron Heartland Region in the 2023 United Way campaign.
• 70 are Heart Club or Rising Heart Givers.
• In 2023, PREMIER contributed nearly 19% of the total dollars raised by the United Way Heartland Region.
First PREMIER Bank and PREMIER Bankcard remain committed to United Way and dedicated to supporting our employees in continued contributions of time, talent and funding.