Business Planning & Investing

Plan & Invest Wisely
First PREMIER Bank works with leading businesses and foundations to provide investment strategy and asset management in support of short- and long-term objectives.
Contact Us
We work actively with businesses of all sizes to protect and preserve their legacies for the long haul, providing responsive, personal support along the way and serving in a variety of roles to meet client needs.
Scott Weeldreyer, VP, Investment Management

Appropriate for Organizations with:
- Need for market and investment expertise
- Complex investment portfolios
- Limited time for active investment management
- Short-and long-term financial objectives
- Desire for diligent, accountable asset management
- Need for business succession planning

Seasoned Professionals
- Dedicated team with 20+ years of investment experience
- Credentialed expertise in asset allocation and investing
- Personally accessible and appropriately engaged
- Strength in streamlining investments for maximum return
- High fiduciary responsibility and accountability
- Leveraging state-of-the-art technology
- Offering flexible rate structures and fees
Investments are | Not FDIC insured | May lose value | Not financial institution guaranteed | Not a deposit | Not insured by any federal government agency. Advisory services may only be offered by investment adviser representatives.