High Volume + Interest

Earn Interest on High Volume Balances
Businesses with higher volume and higher balances can benefit from this interest bearing checking account.
High Volume, High Balance Businesses
- No minimum balance
- Tiered, variable interest2
- $15 monthly maintenance fee7,9
- Per withdrawal charge of $0.155
- Per deposit item charge of $0.106

FREE Online & Mobile Banking
- Secure, 24/7 account access
- State-of-the-art, Business Online Banking and Mobile Banking
- View transactions, transfer funds, pay bills
- Deposit checks with mobile deposit
- Convenient Electronic Statements with PDF Download
- View transactions and cancelled checks with ease

More Benefits & Solutions
- Ability to link and administer multiple accounts online
- Control employee access to accounts and statements
- Debit Mastercard® issuance to authorized employees
- Access to 37,000+ surcharge-fee ATMs nationwide
- Available overdraft protection with a business line of credit
- Available Business Rewards Mastercard Credit Card10
- Available Positive Pay fraud prevention for check and ACH payments
Reliable Security & Fraud Protection
- 24/7 debit card fraud monitoring
- Zero Liability® Fraud Protection
- Multi-factor authentication and strong encryption
- Instant lock/unlock lost or stolen debit cards
- Available Positive Pay for added security
- Manage account via Online & Mobile Banking
- Add/remove authorized employees
- Establish individual debit card spending limits
- Customize access to accounts and statements
- Monitor transactions and spending
- Access Electronic Statements for easy reconciliation
Get Started Today!
Whether you’re starting from scratch or transferring your account, our business bankers can help you select a checking account to support your business needs.
{1} Interest not paid on days the balance falls below $500.
{2} At our discretion, we may change the interest rate daily. Interest is calculated using the daily balance method. Interest is compounded.
{3} Earnings credit rate may change and will be shown on the Deposit Account Rate Schedule.
{4} "Transaction" refers to any combination of items, paid or unpaid, including paper and electronic. 150 free total transactions represents a combination of withdrawals & deposits before withdrawal and deposit fees apply. First PREMIER will assess a cost-per-excess transaction fee over transactions allowed per statement cycle.
{5} "Withdrawal" refers to any transaction whether initiated in person, by check, draft or similar paper instrument, or any transaction initiated electronically through electronic funds transfer. Withdrawals fees to not apply to transactions made using a First PREMIER Bank Debit Card, transactions initiated through wire transfer, transactions initiated through Online Bill Payment, or transfers initiated through Business Online Banking.
{6} “Deposit" refers to all deposit transactions. Deposits do not include transactions or transfers made at an ATM, through Remote Deposit or Mobile Deposit, or transfers made through Business Online Banking.
{7} A $5 monthly paper statement fee is assessed to customers receiving paper statements.
{8} Regulatory Assessment Fee equal to the product of the Average Daily Ledger Balance multiplied by 0.15260%, then divided by 365, and then multiplied by Days in Statement Cycle.
{9} Negative Collected Balance Fee equal to the product of the Average Collected Negative Balance multiplied by the Negative Collected Balance Fee rate, then divided by 365, and then multiplied by Days in Statement Cycle. The Negative Collected Balance Fee rate is included in the Deposit Account Rate Schedule.
{10} Restriction apply. See Business Credit Card Agreement for details.